SFDR Fund Manager Disclosures

Eir Ventures Partners AB
Fund Manager Disclosures

Eir Ventures exclusively invest in companies that develop products and services which contribute to better, longer and healthier lives to the benefit of patients, healthcare systems, society and investors.

Sustainability risks    

  • In accordance with Eir Ventures Partners’ ESG Policy, we at Eir Ventures Partners actively assess and integrate social and environmental sustainability risks in our investment due diligence, decision‐making processes and in the management of portfolio companies. We are active shareholders promoting sustainable conduct.
  • Eir Ventures is committed to evaluate all new and existing investments in the perspective of Responsible Investment. We believe that integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) perspectives into the investment process is key to evaluate the long term value creation of potential investments as well as of current companies and mandates in our investment portfolio.”
  • Sustainability risks are assessed and documented and is an integral part of the documentation underlying any investment decision.
  • Our remuneration policies (Eir ventures Remuneration Policy, appendix 1 available on request) dis-encourage risk taking on sustainability aspects.

Principal adverse sustainability impact statement

Eir Ventures in all investment decisions considers the potential for negative impact on environmental and societal parameters. If such potential is identified, Eir Ventures abstains from recommending an investment, or if the identified negative impact can be rectified with reasonable effort we will actively implement corrective action(s).

The key objectives of setting high standards for sustainable investment conduct is aimed at the following:

  • Promote responsible conduct: Eir Ventures promotes responsible business conduct
  • Maximize long-term value creation: We believe that companies leading a responsible business conduct have a better platform for long-term value creation and returns
  • Minimize risks: We minimize economical , environmental, social and reputational risks for ourselves, for our portfolio companies and for our investors

By having a clear approach to Sustainable Investments, we also establish a platform for evaluation, reporting and communication with employees, Universities, Incubators, investors and other stake holders.

Eir Ventures Partners assesses  sustainability impacts as part of the Due Diligence process (Eir Ventures Responsible Investment Guidelines, available on request) that precede an investment.

The key indicators are continuously monitored when an investment becomes part of the Fund’s portfolio. Eir Ventures Partners is dependent on the i.e. investment’s (company’s) disclosures and methods of collecting data.

The indicators relate to items that have a detrimental impact on the environment as a whole and working conditions; both in terms of physical and physiological health.

The Board of the Management Company (Eir Ventures Partners AB) has the responsibility for the implementation and managing of the SFDR processes.

Due Diligence: The indicators will be part of the assessment in the due diligence process

Investment Decision: The formal Investment decision will include the assessment and that all indicators were considered compliant with the requirements.

Investment: During the time the Fund is a shareholder of an investment; Eir ventures Partners AB will demand a compliance from the company; either exercised as a Board member, or as an active shareholder. 

We embed the ESG framework into our due diligences and asset management in a transparent and consistent way, we do this with the materiality of the potential ESG issues in mind. We define material issues as “those issues that we during the due diligence process, and asset management, determine to have or have the potential to have a direct substantial impact on an organisation’s ability to create, preserve, or erode economic value, as well as environmental and social value for itself and its stakeholders”. This also implies that company characteristics, e.g. company size and maturity, will impact how the ESG discussion should be interpreted and applied.    

Eir Ventures is a member of the Swedish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (“SVCA”), the industry body and public policy advocate for the private equity and venture capital industry in Sweden, and has committed to follow SVCA’s ethical guidelines and the principles of United Nations Global compact. Further, Eir Ventures adheres to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and will report annually our implementation via the UNPRI Online reporting tool.